Tuesday Telecast February 1st, 2022

Good Afternoon folks and welcome back to another Tuesday Telecast from Des Moines Gaming Club. Gonna keep this week’s update short and sweet. We’ve got a normal week ahead for casual play with the club being open Tuesday-Thursday 1pm-10pm, Friday and Saturda 1pm-11pm, and Sunday 11am-5pm with Monday being our day off. Our weekly tournament schedule is normal as well with our FGC weekly on Wednesday at 7pm, our Smash Bros. local Thursday at 6:30 starting with squad strike followed by singles at 7pm. Friday night at 7pm is FIFA 22, and Sunday at 1pm is our Rocket League weekly tournament.

The Grandview University Esports Festival hosted by Unified Esports was this past weekend and it was great to see an esports event of that scale, with significant amounts of cash prizes held right here in Des Moines. You may have seen but a team comprised of FaintOHearts aka Ethan who helps me a ton here at the Club, Vanlou who’s a staple in the FGC, PvPletics who’s passionate about FPS games, and Lilcapped the professional Brawlhalla player who’s also apparently excellent at every other game he plays formed a Halo Infinite team to compete in the tournament at the Esports Festival. It was really cool to see them place 2nd in the tournament and bring home $356 in cash prize. They were extremely kind to name their team DMGC so the picture of them with the 2nd place check written to DMGC was frickin awesome to see. Vanlou also played in 4 FGC tournaments at the festival and won them all not to mention getting interviewed by channel 5 news!

Now Frosty Faustings in Chicago also happened this past weekend and based off of reports from Social media it sees that the Iowa contingent who went had a good time and the event went well. The FGC had some good placings from what I’ve seen and the Smash community did too. It’s a lot of fun to see folks who come through DMGC regularly go out and compete but most importantly have fun playing video games.

We are hosting our online Halo Infinite tournament this Sunday at Noon. To make sure it doesn’t take way too long we’re limiting the amount of full teams that can enter to 6 so be sure to get you and your buddies singed up soon!

Finally, we’ll end today’s telecast by talking about the new game Pokemon Legends: Arceus that came out this past Friday on the Nintendo Switch. Now as someone who has enjoyed the Pokemon universe from afar, and when I say afar I mean watching some of the tv show here and there and only every playing yellow version and not even beating it at that, this game has been simply a BLAST. It mixes traditional pokemon games with the open world feel of Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild, and while there are a number of things that could be improved my overal experience with the game has been fantastic. I could have a full blown discussion about all of the different aspects of this game but that could go on for hours so I’ll just leave with this statement. If you are at all interested, you should try it out. Chances are you won’t be disappointed.

And that’l do it for this week’s update from the Club, thanks for watching and we’ll see you soon.