Tuesday Telecast May 25th, 2021

Good Morning! Glad to have you joining me for another Tuesday Telecast, Des Moines Gaming Club’s weekly update. Today of course we have to start out with the big news of our recent corporate sponsor announcements! We are so happy and thankful to have Atlantic Coca-Cola Bottling Co. and 21st Century Rehab on board. Both companies are very interested in learning more about the gaming community and are committed to helping it grow. Atlantic Bottling is a locally owned, independent bottler and distributor of Coke products that has been in operation for over 100 years. They get their name from the city of Atlantic, IA which is where they are headquartered. Though you don’t have to travel far to find their Des Moines location. It is a large office and warehouse building over on Army Post Rd. just south of the airport. DMGC will be proudly serving a host of different Coca-Cola products that include a variety of energy drinks such as Monster and Reign.

21st Century Rehab is a physical therapy provider with 13 locations across Iowa. They have been in business for just over 25 years and have nearby locations in Altoona, Carlisle, and Indianola. Coca Cola is obviously a good-fit partnership for a gaming club, but we are very excited about 21st as well because of the knowledge we can learn from them in regards to injury care and prevention. The gaming community can be stubborn when it comes to posture, wrist problems, and other gaming ailments but 21st century will be hosting some workshops at Des Moines Gaming Club where gamers can better learn how to take care of themselves. So again, a massive shout and thanks to them for believing in the gaming community of central Iowa. Be sure to go follow their social media pages if you haven’t already!

Those two companies are a great start but we aren’t quite finished yet on the sponsor front so be on the lookout for more announcements in that regard!

As for our weekly online locals this week, I will be out of town so we are working on a way we can still run them even though I’ll be gone. We ran our Smash Bros event last Thursday even though I was gone and it went off without a hitch. Again, huge thanks to Jeff and Gabe who helped run that in my absence. I will have an update on these either tomorrow or Thursday so if you’re interested in playing stay tuned to our social media’s to see if we will be doing them or not.

Now for a bit of esports industry news. The Valorant Masters World event taking place in Iceland  is entering it’s 2nd day today. Yesterday Minnesota’s own Version1 took down Japan representative Crazy Raccoon 2-0. Version1 plays again today against Team Liquid who is representing Europe. You can catch all the action on the Valorant dedicated Twitch channel as the 10 best Valorant teams in the world compete in this week long event.

In yet another twist in Call of Duty, Huke has now been benched by 100 Thieves entering the next stage of the competition. 100Thieves of course recently acquired him from the Dallas Empire but he has now had to make way for the return of TJHaly to the starting lineup. It has been a roller coaster regarding Huke recently but he has stated that he will be putting out a YouTube video soon to explain exactly what’s going on.

Finally, unfortunately with the move to online events on the professional level, cheating or at least, lack of competitive integrity has been on the rise. The newest entry into this category is that CSGO team AGO has been stripped of their ESL Polish Spring Championship after claims of stream sniping. For those who don’t that means that they had someone in their comms watching the stream of the event and realaying to the team where the opponents were. AGO has announced they did no such thing and will be appealing this decision but it does point to the fact that, we all can’t wait to see the esports industry get back to LAN as soon as possible.

That’l do it for today’s telecast, thanks so much for watching and stay frosty out there!